How SMBs Are Automating Their Business Processes

by | Apr 27, 2023 | Marketing Automation | 0 comments

For years, businesses have been relying on manual processes in order to get things done. But with the advent of automation, that’s changing fast! In this blog post, we’ll be outlining some of the major automation trends for SMBs in 2018, and discussing the benefits that these trends can bring. We’ll also be highlighting some of the top automated business processes that can help your business run more smoothly. So if you’re looking to streamline your business processes, read on!

Automation trends for SMBs in 2022

There’s no stopping automation! In 2018, we saw a spike in automated business processes being adopted by small businesses. This is likely due to a number of reasons:

  • The cost of automation has decreased considerably in recent years.
  • Automation removes the need for human error, which can lead to efficiency and productivity gains.
  • Many SMBs are looking to automate their business processes in order to comply with new regulations (e.g., Sarbanes-Oxley). Below are some of the major automation trends that we anticipate seeing in 2022 for SMBs:
  • Continued adoption of automation tools. This includes both desktop and mobile automation tools.
  • Evolving artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to help automate business processes.

Increased use of cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) offerings to offload repetitive tasks from IT departments, freeing up resources for more strategic projects. More widespread use of cloud-based platforms to store business data.

Further development of artificial intelligence capabilities for automated decision-making. We’ll be updating this blog post as new trends emerge, so please check back soon!

Benefits of automation for SMBs

There are plenty of benefits to automating your business processes, and SMBs are no exception. Automation can help reduce administrative costs and simplify workflow. It can also make it easier to track employee performance and automate processes like customer data entry. The benefits of automation go beyond cost savings – automating your business can also improve team productivity and communication. 

Implementing automation is a gradual process, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different solutions first! When you’re ready to roll out automation in your business, make sure to consult with an automation specialist who can help you find the best solutions for your specific needs. There are a number of benefits that can be achieved by automating business processes in your organization. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Reduced time spent on routine tasks.
  • Reduced reliance on manual processing, which can save time and resources.
  • Improved efficiency and productivity due to the removal of human error factors.
  • Elimination or reduction of data entry errors, which can lead to improved accuracy in reports and increased speed when completing complex tasks. 
  • The reduced overall cost of ownership for automated solutions. 

The Rise of Automation in the Business World

The rise of automation in business is a trend that’s here to stay. According to a study by Gartner, 68% of businesses will have implemented at least one form of automation by 2021. That means there’s no need to wait – now is the time to take advantage of automated solutions for your business! Here are some more reasons why SMBs should invest in automation:

  1. Reduced Costs: Automation can help reduce administrative costs and simplify workflow. It can also make it easier to track employee performance and automate processes like customer data entry. 
  2. Improved Productivity: Automation can improve team productivity and efficiency by reducing time spent on routine tasks. It can also improve accuracy when completing complex tasks, which leads to decreased costs associated with data entry mistakes. 
  3. Elimination of Manual: Processing Automation can eliminate the need for manual processing, which can save time and resources. This is especially beneficial in industries where automation requires highly accurate data input or repetitive processes that could be handled more efficiently by an automated solution.
  4. Increased Accuracy: Automated solutions are often more accurate than human-driven solutions, leading to fewer errors and improved overall business performance. 
  5. Smarter, Faster Tasks: Automation can help speed up tasks that are time-consuming and require accuracy. For example, a business might use automation to automatically generate reports based on data entries. 
  6. Reduced Risk: Automation can help reduce the risk of business errors by automating tasks that are prone to human error. For example, automation can be used to process customer data or financial transactions.
  7. Mitigation of Power Outages: Automation often relies on electronic systems and is susceptible to power outages. In cases like these, having automated solutions in place can help mitigate any disruptions caused by a power outage. 

Top 5 Automated Business Processes for SMBs

Business process automation (BPA) is a key strategy for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to improve efficiency and productivity. Many business process automation tools are available on the market, so it’s important to find the right one for your business. Here are some of the most common automation tools used by SMBs: 

1. Customer Data Entry: Automation can help speed up customer data entry tasks, which can improve business performance. 

2. Financial Transactions: automation can reduce the risk of financial errors by automating common tasks like processing online payments or issuing invoices. 

3. Processes Related to Marketing and Advertising: Automation helps streamline marketing and advertising processes, which can lead to improved business efficiency and profitability. 

4. Reporting Tasks: Automated reporting solutions often generate reports in a faster timeframe than traditional methods, leading to reduced time spent on routine work-related activities. 

5. Data Entry and Cleanup: Automation can help clean up data entry tasks, which can improve business performance by eliminating errors and improving overall efficiency.

What to do if an automation project fails

Automation is a great way to streamline business processes, but it’s not without its risks. Make sure you’re prepared for the possibility that an automation project will fail – have a backup plan ready in case things go wrong. Also, make sure you specify all the necessary requirements in your automation project specifications. Finally, ensure that your team is well-trained on how to use the new automated system – this will help them avoid any unexpected issues down the line.

If an automation project fails, there are a few things that need to be done in order to ensure the integrity of data and system stability. The first step is to determine exactly what went wrong with the project. Once this information is collected, it can then be used to fix any issues and prevent them from happening again. 

Next, administrators will need to restore deleted data and files as well as reset passwords for all affected users. Lastly, regular business practices should still be followed such as reviewing workflows for possible changes or updates, conducting performance tests on software applications, and updating systems when necessary.

How SMBs are automating their business processes

Small business owners know that automation can be a huge time and money saver. By automating their business processes, they’re able to streamline the day-to-day operations of their organization, freeing up time to focus on more important tasks. 

There are a variety of automation tools and technologies available, such as automation platforms like Salesforce or Workday, or digital tools like Gmail and Office 365. While these technologies can be expensive upfront, they can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. So, if you’re looking to grow your business faster and save money in the process, consider automating your business processes. It might not be easy at first, but the benefits are worth it!

There are many different ways that small business owners are automating their business processes in an effort to improve efficiency and reduce time spent on routine tasks. Here are a few examples:

– Using automation tools to increase data entry accuracy and speed. This can free up employees to focus on more important tasks, leading to improved business performance. 

– Automating email processing and communication with customers, which cuts down on customer service time and improves customer satisfaction rates. 

– Automation of system operations such as backups, scheduling updates, and inventory tracking – all of which help keep businesses running smoothly without any interruptions. 

The truth is, automation is a fast-moving and ever-growing field, which means that SMBs are always on the lookout for new ways to improve efficiency and reduce time spent on routine tasks. By using the right automated system, small business owners can avoid any unexpected issues down the line.


In today’s business world, automation is a key trend to follow. By automating business processes, SMBs can save time and money while improving efficiency and accuracy. In this blog post, we have listed some of the top automation trends for SMBs. So if you’re looking to take your business to the next level, make sure to keep these automation trends in mind! Finally, we would love to hear from you about your experience with automation in the business world. Feel free to leave a comment below or contact us directly on our website!