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How to Sell Automation to Your Internal Stakeholders: A Nonlinear Approach

Automation is one of the most important tools that today's marketer has at his disposal. It can help you save time and money, improve your marketing strategy, and boost your bottom line. But selling automation to internal stakeholders can be a challenge - after all,...

The Death of Third-Party Cookies: What You Need To Know To Survive

For web marketers, third-party cookies are the holy grail of cookie-based data collection. These cookies allow marketers to track information about individual browser sessions and to serve targeted ads. But what happens to third-party cookies when a website is...

The People Factor in Marketing Automation Cost Savings

When it comes to marketing automation, the role of people is vital. And when we're talking about people, we're not just referring to customer service reps - everyone from marketing automation software developers to marketing managers must be on board if marketing...

The 5 Elements of a Customer-Centricity Strategy

Everyone wants to be customer-centric - it's the new way of doing business. But what does that actually mean for your business? In this blog post, we'll explore the five essential elements of a customer-centricity strategy. By understanding and fulfilling your...

How to Increase Your Social Shares With Promotional Emails

Do you email your customers but feel like you're not getting the social shares that you need? If so, you're not alone. Promotional email marketing is one of the most effective ways to connect with your customers and promote your business. In this blog post, we'll be...

How to Track and Report Offline Conversion Rates with Google AdWords

Ensuring high conversion rates for your online ads is essential for the success of your marketing campaigns. But tracking the conversion rates of your website visitors can be a daunting task. That's where offline conversion rate tracking comes in - it helps you...

How Chatbots and IVAs Can Help Close the B2B Digital Gap

When it comes to buying products and services from a business, customer engagement is key. So why does customer engagement often feel like a burden for businesses? The answer lies in the digital gap - the difference between how customers experience buying products and...

Why You Should Consider Proof of Concept When Buying Technology

When it comes to buying technology, it's important to think about the long term. Not only do you need to consider the features and functions of the technology, but you need to make sure that it will be able to meet your needs in the future. One way of doing this is by...

Why these Six Technologies Matter in Customer Acquisition and Growth

Are you looking to boost your customer acquisition and growth? If so, you'll need to know about the six technologies outlined in this blog. Each of these technologies plays an essential role in customer acquisition and growth, so be sure to read on to learn more! By...

The Bot or Person Conundrum: Is Your Customer Automation Driving You Crazy?

Many businesses believe that customer automation is a key way to improve customer service and keep them happy. And while there are definite benefits to this approach, it's important to be aware of the potential cons. For example, some people may feel uncomfortable or...

Marketing Posts

Financial Advisors Need to Get Personal to Keep Their Clients

Financial Advisors Need to Get Personal to Keep Their Clients

Financial advisors are in a tough spot. They're in a profession that's highly sought-after, but also one that's very competitive. And if they don't provide personal service to their clients, it'll cost them. In this blog post, we'll be discussing the importance of...

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10 Useful Postmark Commands for Sending Emails Automatically

10 Useful Postmark Commands for Sending Emails Automatically

When it comes to transactional emailing, there's nothing more efficient than automation. And that's why we've put together this helpful postmark blog post. In this post, you'll learn about 10 useful postmark commands that will help you send automated emails easily and...

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6 Tools for Content Marketing Analysis & Insights

6 Tools for Content Marketing Analysis & Insights

By now, you've likely heard the word "content marketing" thrown around a lot. But what does it mean? And how can you start using it to your advantage? In this blog post, we'll provide you with 6 essential content marketing tools that will help you get a comprehensive...

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The Top 10 Marketing Strategy To Follow For The Post-GDPR Era

The Top 10 Marketing Strategy To Follow For The Post-GDPR Era

As we move into the post-GDPR era, it's important for businesses to have a solid marketing strategy in place. This strategy should be geared towards complying with the GDPR regulations, which came into effect on May 25th, 2018.  With so much data being collected...

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How to Build a Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy That Works

How to Build a Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy That Works

It's now more important than ever to have a marketing strategy that works. Gone are the days when you could rely on a single marketing channel to drive your business forward. Today, you need to be a multi-channel marketer if you want to stay ahead of the competition....

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